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 === Your Dreams, Your World === === Your Dreams, Your World ===
-**This is the primary resource for the fictional world of [[:​world|Nova Terra]]. Nova Terra is a game world featured in the Titan Series, written by [[:​author|Seth Ring]]. **<WRAP third column>​{{:​nova-terra-map.png?​nolink&​300x253 ​ }}</​WRAP>​+**This is the primary resource for the fictional world of [[:​world|Nova Terra]]. Nova Terra is a game world featured in the Titan Series, written by [[:​author|Seth Ring]]. **<WRAP third column>​{{ ​ :​nova-terra-map.png?​nolink&​300x253 ​ }}</​WRAP>​
-**[[:​story|The Story]]**+=== Categories ===
-**[[:characters|The Characters]]**+[[:story|The Story]]
-**[[:game|The Game]]**+[[:characters|The Characters]]
-**[[:​world|The World]]**+[[:game|The Game]] 
 +[[:​world|The World]] 
 +[[:​books|The Books]]